With good credit, buying a big-ticket purchase like a car should be a smooth process. However, if car buyers are victim to identity theft scams, they may struggle with getting the vehicle they originally had their eyes on.
While car thieves could steal a vehicle worth thousands of dollars, identity thieves could do more serious financial damage.
In May 2014, the FBI announced the agency charged members of an international identity theft ring that stole dozens of vehicles using their victims' information, according to a release.
"These charges are the first strike back on behalf of identity theft victims who now have to reclaim their good names – a frustrating task that can take years," U.S. Attorney Laura Duffy said in a statement.
As victims attempt to rebuild their lives and move on from identity theft, they should be aware of the consequences of this crime when it comes to buying a car and how to protect themselves in the future.
Here are three effects of identity theft for car buyers:
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